#44 Alhamdulillah

Assalamualaikum so here I am again on the blog because I'm home . The last pb (pulang bermalam) before I sit for SPM which is about 27 days more *screaming*

I'm here to talk about our graduation day and majlis mohon restu . So , MRSM sekarang dah tak buat graduation day for form3 maybe sebab dah tukar pt3 or whatever idk .......
It was held on 2nd October which was Hajar's birthday ! It was a blast tho I didn't get the chance to grad with the first class I was glad that I still dapat grad , alhamdulillah . We had a lots of fun that day with the jubah thing haha , we enjoyed :)

Majlis Mohon Restu in the morning , a class portrait would do but tak cantik as usual ~

A day before Graduation Day , rehearsal with my gals 

Candid from us sebab tengah fikir nak buat freestyle apa since atas ni is the formal one lol 
 Thanks to Farra Hanim :D

The result hahah

Favourite among of all the pictures that we took !

Nasyid uhuks , we had more photograph actually but it was on facebook

The actual day , this was after the ceremony featuring Afif and Taufiq at the back , thanks for photobomb-ing dudes .

Perfecto !

Since our SPM is just around the corner , that's means sekolah pun dah nak habis . I'm sure gonna miss everything ! Thank you The Class Of 97 for being a part of my life , although kita tak unite mana pun , tengok korang punya kerenah pun dah cukup buat aku gelak lol .

To my girls , thanks for exist ! You guys made me learn so much thing from what had happened to us , the fight , the happiness , everything was meaningful whether it's hurt or not , it's good or bad , I learnt that this is life at the age of 17 . I began to think about so many things sebab tu benda kecil pun jadi masalah haha . That made me hate being 17 sometimes hehe .

Whatever it is , I realized that I have to be grateful to have the opportunity duduk maktab lain after the bad things yang aku lalui . Aku dapatlah melihat dunia ni sikit , ada macam macam ragam manusia yang aku mungkin tak sedar kalau aku asyik duduk tempat yang sama . 

Alhamdulillah for everything :) 

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